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Dan Blocker, who played Hoss died from a blood clot after gall bladder surgery.

Lorne Greene, who played Ben, died of pneumonia. Michael Landon, who played Little Joe, died of pancreatic cancer. Pernell Roberts, who played Adam, died of pancreatic cancer.

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Q: How did Hoss Adam Little Joe and Ben Cartwright die?
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What were the names of Ben Cartwright sons?

There was Adam Cartwright played by Pernell Roberts, Eric "Hoss" Cartwright played by Dan Blocker, and Joseph Francis Cartwright a.k.a Little Joe Cartwright played by Michale Landon.

What were the names of the actors appearing on the Bonanza series?

Joseph 'Little Joe' Cartwright played by Michael Landon. Eric 'Hoss' Cartwright played by Dan Blocker. Adam Cartwright played by Pernell Roberts. (He quit the show in 1965 and was not replaced). Ben Cartwright had one adopted son also, Jamie.

What was hoss cartwright horses name?

Hoss Cartwright horse's name was Chub. Ben's horse was Buck, Little Joe's horse was Cochise, and Adam's horse was Sport.

Who played borneanaz son and what is his name?

On the TV series Bonanza the three sons of father Ben Cartwright were Adam Cartwright , Eric "Hoss" Cartwright and "Little" Joe - Joseph Cartwright .

How old were Hoss Little Joe and Ben Cartwright?

The charater of Adam was approximately 25 to 28 years old.

Who were the historical characters on Bonanza?

The regular actors were Lorne Greene as Ben, Pernell Roberts as Adam, Dan Blocker as Hoss and Michael Landon as Little Joe.

What actors and actresses appeared in Bonanza - 2000?

The cast of Back to Bonanza - 1993 includes: Dan Blocker as Hoss Cartwright Dirk Blocker as Host Lorne Greene as Ben Cartwright Michael Landon as Little Joe Cartwright Pernell Roberts as Adam Cartwright

How many cartwright brothers are there?

If you mean in the TV show Bonanza then there were originally three brothers. (Adam, Hoss, and Little Joe) In later seasons however, after Pernell Roberts quit the show, Ben adopts an orphan named Jamie, so there are technically four Cartwright brothers.

What were the names of the Cartwrights horses on Bonanza?

Ben rode a buckskin named Buck. Adam rode a 7/8 sorrel thoroughbred named Sport. Hoss or Eric rode a dark brown horse named Chubb or Chubby. Little Joe rode a black and white pinto named Cochise whom he often called Cooch.

How many sons on bonanza?

It was dangerous business to be a female interested in a Cartwright man. Ben (Pa) Cartwright had three wives which all died. Little Joe married once, she died. Hoss almost married, bad luck again. It was felt that a woman would have upset the male ambiance of the show so any female love interests were quickly killed off or sent away.

Why was Hoss named Hoss?

I suppose because Eric Cartwright was as 'big as a horse' ; RIP Mr. Dan Blocker . In the Bonanza episode "Journey Remembered", Ben Cartwright's second wife, Inger, gave birth to Eric "Hoss" Cartwright. His older brother wanted to name him Hoss, Inger wanted to name him Eric after his grandfather. Inger stated among mountain people Haus or Hoss meant big friendly man. Ben told Adam, "We'll give him both names and see which one sticks. Inger died in an Indian attack shortly after Hoss was born.

How many times was a Cartwright shot on Bonanza?

There is no accurate count but it seems that at one time or another, each Cartwright was wounded by gunfire. The men fared much better than the women that had the misfortune of loving a Cartwright man. Whether by disease or disaster, it was always fatal to love Ben, Adam, Hoss or Little Joe.