About 8 hours travelling in an airplane
Cape Town is the city
Cape Town is in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres.
Cape Town Cape Verde Cape Point Cape Alguhas Cape of GoodHope Are some capes in Africa,but there are some more.
the population of Cape town (south Africa) is around 3,497,100.
Cape Town is further from the equator than Turkey. Cape Town is located at about 33.93° S latitude, while Turkey is at 36.15° N latitude.
Cape Town is situated on the Atlantic Ocean
About 8 hours travelling in an airplane
Sydney Cape town Santiago Rio de Janeiro
Lagos Nigeria
Answer #1:About 3700 km======================Answer #2:The summit of Devil's Peak is 2,344 miles (3,773 km) South of the equator.The distances to other spots around town are slightly more or less.
Yes, Cape Town is in the Southern Hemisphere. It is located at the southern tip of Africa, making it entirely within the Southern Hemisphere.
Firstly Nigeria is much closer to the equator than Cape Town so it will have an average higher temperature. Secondly, Cape Town has the cold winds and cold ocean current coming up from the Antarctic, it also has winter rainfall. Cape Town is more exposed to the elements and is the first place to be hit by cold fronts in South Africa. the weather is very unpredictable in Cape Town. Lagos is more protected because its situated in the Gulf of Guinea and the temperature is often above 30 degrees celsius.
The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 2,346.07 miles approximately.
Cape Town lies at the foot of the iconic (World Famous) Table Mountain. The Table Mountain range extends almost to the tip of the Cape Town peninsular, near Cape Point. Most suburbs lie on a narrow belt of land between the mountain and the sea. There are a number of mountain ranges which are close to Cape Town. See earlier answer flagged.
The Cape Verde islands are 1,587 miles north of the Equator.
CAPE TOWN TO WINDHOEK1265 km North of Cape Town.