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you can keep giving it certain berries that say raise friendships but lower a stat eg, hp pp speed! you must also keep getting in battles with it and give it items that make it stronger like hp ups ok? my Rayquaza loves me 2 much in case ur wondering rayquaza is the best and main Pokemon of Pokemon Emarald

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

All you have to do is put whichever Pokemon you want to have a high friendship level with on the front of your team and it will walk behind you. In turn, this will give you a high friendship level. Turning around and talking to it helps too.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

mostly if there really happy. and lots of people want to know what happiness is for Pokemon.well, there is an item called the sooth bell. if a Pokemon holds it, they become more happy when you train.some Pokemon that holds the sooth bell will evolve by this effect.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Have it in your party & walk/run around with it a lot & battle with it a lot.

I guess without fainting.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Just give the Pokemon a soothe bell or something that, in the summary of the object, tells you it makes the Pokemon friendlier.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the easiest way is to give oyur Pokemon alot of Proteins Carbos Iron and all of

those things and he/ she will become friendlier :D

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βˆ™ 14y ago

use lots of give it barries


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Q: How can you make your Pokemon have a high friendship level?
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How do you evolve Togepi on pokemon platinum?

Togepi will evolve when it has max friendship with it's trainer it can literally evolve at any level as long as it has max friendship. Give it items like Hp up, Heal it often with items and not the pokemon center, train it while it holds the soothe bell item.

What is in the ribbon house Pokemon Platinum?

nothing really.once you get 10 ribbons on one Pokemon(i think;i have tons on my Pokemon so im not so sure) you can go in there and then buy ribbons that you can only get there or you can let the lady's massage only one Pokemon per day to make them get a higher friendship level.

When you beat roark what level can you get trade to make the Pokemon obey you in Pokemon platinum?

Level 20

How do you get a pokamon to have trust?

It doesn't take a number of battles. Pokemon trust you on stat growth. Like their speed or attack stat or something like that. So if you get all their stats +1, their trust will go up. Some Pokemon grow slowly so you need to infect them with pokerus to help or use items like iron or carbos on them. Those item can be bought at the department store in veilstone city. If you are asking this because you need to evolve a Pokemon based on trust and its level 100, forget it. The trust needs to be high AND they have to level up. So if it's level 99, make sure it gets as many stat raising items as it can before leveling up. Hope this answers your question. Sorry if it doesn't. :)

How do you evolve goldbat?

Golbat evolves by friendship which is basically trying to make it happy. Feed it lots of protien, hp up, zinc, iron and pokeblocks and then lvl up.It depends. In Pokemon Indigo you have to level it up to level 48. NOTE: This may differ in other Pokemon games such as Pokemon Dimond and Pearl. Hope it helps

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You have to level it up with high friendship.

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Make a Golbat level up on a high friendship level.

Crobat in Pokemon FireRed?

you need to make your golbat have a high friendship, then level it up

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You'll need to make it have high happiness/friendship during the day to make it evolve into Roselia.

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Pokemon evolve when you level them up to a certain level, by trading them, by friendship, or by using stones.

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Nothing. You need to make Golbat to have Friendship or Happiness.

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You'll have to make Togepi happy to high happiness/friendship.

What is freindship level in Pokemon Black?

Friendship level is how much your pokemon likes you for example you can make your pokemon happier byyy Making it in the first slot Walking around alot when it is in front slot not making it faint (most of the time) Giving it soothbell (think thats the name) pokemon that evolve from friendship is togetiee golbat

What level does tokapi evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Togapi evolves with friendship. So you have to make Togepi as happy as possible and then level it up in order for it to evolve. There is no set level.

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Yes.Once you have the national dex,you have to make golbat have max friendship then level up.

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level it up Since Igglybuff is a baby Pokemon, it might evolve by friendship. Friendship means how much it likes you. To make it like you more, give it items, fight with it to level it up, give it a nickname, and do things that it likes. give it frindship berrys then lv up......................................

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If you aren't cheating, you can make high level Pokemon obey you by obtaining more badges.