== == By comparing their antennae. Females have simple antennae and males have bushy antennae with many receptors to help them locate females.
=== === Female mosquitoes have a long proboscis that they use to draw blood from their victim. Male mosquitoes do not have this.
Well they are called female mosquito's. Normally it is impossible to tell the difference between the female and the male - depending on what species it is.The BIG one to watch out for it the female Anophelesmosquito, which is the one of the vectors of the Malaria parasite (Plasmodium)
A Male Donkey is a Jack and a Female Donkey is a JennyA male is called a 'Jack' and a female a 'Jenny'
African violets are male and female flowers. They have pistils (the female part) and stamen (the male part)
That is a mule.
They are the offspring of female horses and male donkeys.
The male mosquito is called a "drone," while the female mosquito is simply referred to as a "female mosquito."
In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. The noun mosquito is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female insect. There are no gender specific nouns for a male or female mosquito, they are called a male mosquito or a female mosquito.
The way in which you can differentiate between a male and female Milkfish is that the female has three openings on the anus while a male milkfish only has two.
Every mosquito can bite and pierce human skin. When feeding on human blood, mosquitoes pierce the skin and trigger histamines in the body.
Male mosquitoes can be distinguished from female mosquitoes by their antennae. Male mosquitoes have bushy antennae, while female mosquitoes have more slender and less bushy antennae. This physical difference can help in determining the gender of a mosquito.
hare there so an male mosquitoes in september
'cause females bite, but males don't.
female mosquitos suck blood and male mosquitos do not.
'cause females bite, but males don't.
One way to differentiate between a male and female kitten is by looking at their genitalia. Male kittens have a larger distance between the anus and the genital opening, while female kittens have a shorter distance. Additionally, male kittens have a visible scrotum, while female kittens do not.
male mosquitos don't give your malaria, female mosquitos do
they eat both female and male mosquito i do believe..... which is VERY helpful for us and animals.