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i do it everyway and they all feel good

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Q: Doing it donkey style
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Who inferred what squealer had been doing on the ladder yet stood by and did nothing?

Benjamin the donkey

Who played the role of donkey in Shrek 3?

Eddie Murphy is slated as doing the voice of Donkey in Sherk Forever After Now I'm also seeing a listing for a movie that came out in 2003 called Shrek 4 D? But again Eddie Murphy is listed as doing the voice. All this can be checked out at IMDB

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Ogres are onions- metaphor. Donkey smells as bad as feet- simile. Donkey is a flying talking donkey- personification.

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Late Renaissance style, pointing forward to Baroque.

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Latin for style (as in a way of doing something) is modo, sermo or genus

Could a donkey walk trot canter gallop and jump with a person on it?

Yes they can because i have had experience in doing so

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What stroke are you doing when you swim on your side?

Free style, i think.

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Donkey Donkey

What is the best headphones for working out?

The best earphones for working out are the big ear muff style. The are a headband style but they are super comfy and if you are doing a lite style of yoga they are great.

Why is there parodys of Gangnam Style?

People are doing it for entertainment like comedy.

When did cortez leave?

He didn't. He loved doing the ladies horsey style.