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The theoretical limit is 'an affront to public decency', and what that is depends on where you are. Bare boobs on a beach, OK; in a town centre, not OK. Total nudity on a normal beach, look out for the cops. On a designated naturist beach, fine.

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Q: Does France have indecent exposure laws if so what are the limits?
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Why cant women be naked on street?

Because there are laws against it. Indecent exposure.

What are the laws for dating age limits in France?

There are no laws regarding dating. The age of consent is actually 15 in France.

Are there any laws against running outside wearing just a sports bra and shorts. Is that considered indecent exposure or something?

Laws regarding public nudity and indecent exposure vary depending on location and cultural norms. It's best to check the specific laws in your area to determine if running in just a sports bra and shorts is considered inappropriate or illegal. In some places, it may be allowed while in others it may be considered indecent exposure.

Is it illegal for a female to drive shirtless?

A previous member said " Yes, it is. If you are caugh by police, you could be cited for indecent exposure, and if you touch someone inside the car while you are at it, it is sexual assault." The real answer is "No". That is, there are no laws that I am aware of that prohibit driving nude (and I have done a *lot* of research). Also, simple nudity is *not* indecent exposure, in or outside of a car.

Is flashing sexual?

Yes, it can be considered sexual. However it can also be considered indecent exposure and that is against the law. A first time offender can be fined and maybe have to spend time in jail. A second time is considered a felony which can lead to state prison. A third time can lead to a life time as a registered sex offender. The law: Indecent exposure laws in most states make it a crime to purposefully display one's genitals in public, causing others to be alarmed or offended. Indecent exposure is often committed for the sexual gratification of the offender or committed to entice a sexual response. It may seem just a prank to the person doing it but be careful.

Can you drive with sandals on in NY state?

Yes. I have no idea where people get this idea that the footwear you choose is regulated by law, but it simply is not. So long as your clothing choice doesn't violate laws concerning indecent exposure, you can wear it while driving.

What thing do you have to wear when you ride your bikes?

Clothing would be appropriate, or you're likely to be arrested for indecent exposure. In some places there are mandatory helmet laws, so wear a helmet unless you want to pay the fines, if your place is like that.

How will copyright laws keep children from seeing indecent material on the internet?

They won't; copyright has nothing to do with that.

Is showing your underwear indecent behavior?

yes it is against public decency laws governing dressing code

What are the french laws?

Laws originating in France.

Does France government have fair laws or rules?


Environmental -protection laws limits what?

The exploitation of Natural Resources