no way! in the premiere it does show that holly.j and Fiona are about to kiss but in the actual episode Fiona is just dreaming. in reality no they don't kiss however,Fiona kisses holly j after she wins her case against bobby
No, clare and ali and best friends and holly j and fiona are best friends
Holly J and Anya on Degrassi are not twins.
Charlotte Arnold
they should but maybe not because Fiona might be lesbian and like holly j. which i hate she was my fav charcater i liked her and Adam i cant believe shes gonna be like this;(
Where pink , classy , elegant stuff
No, clare and ali and best friends and holly j and fiona are best friends
No, clare and ali and best friends and holly j and fiona are best friends
i'm asking the same question
Holly J and Anya on Degrassi are not twins.
Holly Jeanette Sinclair
Its Jennette ♥ Holly Jennette
Her real name is Charlotte Arnold. If you mean the Holly J. Sinclair from degrassi
Charlotte Arnold
they should but maybe not because Fiona might be lesbian and like holly j. which i hate she was my fav charcater i liked her and Adam i cant believe shes gonna be like this;(
Charlotte Arnold.