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African violets are propogated by leaf cuttings.

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Q: Does African violet reproduce by root cutting?
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Is it possible to root an African Violet leaf in water?

Yes, if you place a couple of leaves with stem of about two inches in a glass of water it will root. But if you leave it there to grow for a long time it won't be very strong. The leaf will grow much nicer if you plant them in some African violet soil less mix and place them in a zip lock bagy for six to eight weeks.

What is the meaning of the Latin root 'viola-'?

The English meaning of the Latin root 'viola-' is the following: violet color; and violet flower. A Latin word that's formed from the root is 'violarium', which refers to a 'bed of violets'. An English word that's formed from the root is 'violet', which refers to both the color and the flower.

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Root vegetables include:carrotspotatoesonionsbeetsturnipsradishes

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If you are a little more specific with your question it will help. There is a Lotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera) , this can reproduce via seed or root cutting, but there are many plants given the common name "lotus". If you mean Locust which is an insect and reproduces via egg laying

What do African violets look like?

The root system of an African violet Houseplant are fine, tan colored. Wild violets that grow outside have a little different root system, are a little thicker and hardier for outside weather conditions.

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By root

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