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not in Australia

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Q: Do robins lay eggs in mid summer?
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Do robins lay eggs year-round?

No. Robins nest in mid spring in most areas, late March in the south and mid April in the north. Birds may raise two broods in the south.

When do robins lay there eggs?

Robins typically lay their eggs in the early spring, usually in March or April in North America. The timing can vary slightly based on location and local weather conditions. Robin eggs are usually light blue or greenish-blue in color.

When does a kookaburra lay eggs?

Kookaburras' breeding season occurs during Australia's Spring, beginning in September, and continuing through to January, which is mid-Summer.

How often do sparrows lay eggs?

Depends on species, usually two to three weeks.

Do only female sea turtles lay eggs?

no male sea turtles can also lay eggs when they are mid-aged.

How old are chickens when they start laying?

Mainly spring during sunrise, robins lay theyre eggs at mid-morning

How do kookaburras lay their eggs?

Kookaburras lay up to three eggs, usually two days apart, in a nest they hollow out of a termite nest, or a hollow already in a tree which they will sometimes enlarge. Their breeding season occurs during Australia's Spring, beginning in September, and continuing through to January, which is mid-Summer.

How many eggs do red tail hawks lay?

the red tailed hawk can lay up to 1-5 eggs that are white with brown spots

How many eggs do Chinese painted quail lay a year?

59...? but they usually lay an egg a day (females, obvi) in Feb-mid November.

Do seals lay eggs or have live birth?

Yes. Seals are mammals, and all mammals give live birth. Bonye Seals are mammals, however, not all mammals give live birth. There are five mammals that lay eggs.

When do lady birds mate?

Mid/Early- spring. So the eggs will hatch in the warm sun of summer.

When does the weka breed?

The Weka's breeding season varies vastly, but they generally lay their eggs in mid August, to the beginning of July.