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You need to check with the court that issued them. State laws vary. A divorce procedure does not commence until the petition or complaint is filed.

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Q: Do divorce papers expire if not filed?
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Can you get remarried if divorce papers are filed but not final?

No, you can't remarry if divorce papers are filed but not final.

Which Gosselin filed for the divorce?

Kate Gosselin filed papers to initiated the divorce proceedings.

How do you get copies of divorce papers?

Go to the Clerk of the District Court in the county where your divorce papers were filed and get a copy.

Are divorce papers legal if filed with the wrong name?

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What does filing date on divorce papers mean?

That is usually the date the papers were filed at the courthouse.

How do you change divorce papers after filed?

Go to your lawyer. If you can they will know what to do.

How did Kate and Jon Gosselin divorce?

The Gosselin's divorce was initialized by Kate Gosselin. In the court records, she filed the divorce papers for divorce.

If you married an Italian man in Italy and you are American and you filed for a divorce in California and received your final divorce papers do you need to file papers in Italy also?


How long after divorce papers are filed with the court it takes to have the divorce papers served in the state of California?

Today as divorce cases are on the increase in all the states including California , the papers will soon be served out as the pile of papers just increase and make it difficult for everybody.

When you first split up and no papers have been filed for divorce can she or he take anything they want out of the house?

Yes, they can. The divorce papers need to be filed to prevent them from taking anything they want, including any money you have in joint bank accounts.

Can you have sexual relations after your divorce papers have been filed in lousana?

Not unless you learn how to spell LOUISIANA!

Can you date after divorce papers have been filed in Louisiana?

No, you can only date borat. borat is the one for you!