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it's unknown to say that if the titanic break in half as it sink according to a few surivers of the tragdy they say that it did break in half but then in the years they changed there story's saying that it just want down and i do believe that

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Why did Titanic break up?

As Titanic's stern rose into the air, the strain of all that weight was too much for the keel to handle. As a result, she broke in half.

Did the titanic break like it shows in the film?

Yes, the R.M.S Titanic snapped in half because of it's length, and amount of people crowding the back of the ship, the whole back end cut in half.

Did the rms titanic ever split in half?

the titanic did split in half bob barred found out when he found the titanic

Did the titanic go into half or into three?

IN half

Did the captain of the Titanic have troubles before the sinking of the Titanic?

When he found out that the ship was sinking and more than half the people onboard would die he had a mental break down and committed suicide by drown him self in the bridge of the ship.

How long was the tear in the bottom of the Titanic?

The gash in the side of the titanic from the iceberg was 350 feet long and 200 feet deep into the side. which aloowed water to get in which caused thetitanic to break in half an dthen sink. causing many deaths and tragedies.

When smoking half a joint to save the other half for later how do you kill half a joint?

ye dont smoke it all

What do they suspect happened to the titantic?

the titanic hit an iceberg and tried to dodge it at the last second, which caused it to break the ship under water causing it to flood and break into 2 pieces and sink, and they only had emergency boats for half the passengers.

How long is half the Titanic?

441 feet

What happened to the Titanic as it was sinking?

it broke in half

What time was it when the titanic split in half?

The hull of Titanic split (but not in half) just a few minutes before 2:20 AM on April 15, 1912.

Why did the titanic break into 2 half's when it sunk?

When the ship's "butt" was in the air, it was somewhere from 20 to 30 thousand tons and since the hull wasn't built to handle that pressure, it snapped