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No, the punishment to Narcissus was delivered by the Greek goddess Nemesis (being in love with his own image, unable to look away and eat/drink) and either slowly pined away or killing himself in despair, his blood became the Narcissus flower.

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Q: Did Zeus punished Narcissus for being cruel to Echo by turning him into a flower?
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What origin myth is being explained in 'Echo and Narcissus'?

Where echoes come from, and where the flower narcissus does - the flower the Greeks call narcissus is different than the one in the US.

Who was punished by being made to fall in love with his own reflection in a spring?

Narcissus, hence Narcissus complex. One who adores himself

What are the problems being married to a Narcissus?

I should think that being married to a flower would make for all sorts of trouble. However, if you are talking about being married to a person with similar traits to Narcissus, the handsome boy from Greek mythology, there would also be problems. For example, Narcissus was very cruel, spurning the advances of everyone who loved him (including Echo). In addition, as Narcissus in the story fell in love with his own reflection, being married to someone like that would mean that he cares about himself much more than he would care about you.

How do flowers relate to Greek mythology?

There is a legend of Echo and Narcissus see link Aside from there being a deity specifically for flowers and plants, there are many instances in mythology where a plant's existence was explained mythologically. The Daffodil (or Narcissus Lily), the mulberry flower, and the laurel all have roots in mythology.

Did narcissus have any powers?

No, the Greek youth Narcissus did not have any special powers save being exceedingly lovely.

How did Narcissus die?

As tale says, he died not being able to live without being with his reflection and perishes right on the spot. There, he turned into a beautiful white flower named after him. Another tale also says he drowned trying to be with his reflection.

What was Narcissus punishment for being vain and in love with himself?

The short version: he was so handsome that many girls fell in love with him, but he spurned them all. Instead, he fell in love with his reflection (by the work of Nemesis), and pined away finally being transformed into a flower. In some versions, however, he died before being transformed.

Did Narcissus have any special powers?

No, the Greek youth Narcissus did not have any special powers save being exceedingly lovely.

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A witch was punished by being dunked or hanged

How did Medusa become famous?

Medusa was famous for sleeping with Poseidon in Athena's temple, being punished by having her hair turned into snakes, and turning people into stone. She was also famous for being killed by the hero Perseus.

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She was punished by being turned into a pillar of salt.

What does punished for your beliefs means?

If you get punished for your beliefs, you are getting punished for what you believe in. eg. In roman times, people would get punished for being christian