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in 1890 he invented the camera

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Q: Did Thomas Edison invent the motion picture camera?
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What year did Thomas Edison invent the electric char?

in 1880

Where did Thomas Edison invent the motion picture?

Edison invented the "motion picture" camera working out of his lab in West Orange, New Jersey, but did not invent motion pictures. Motion pictures, or moving pictures, had been created using a number of devices. One that I've seen at the Smithsonian institution was a circular device, with pictures glued to cardboard cards attached to the edge of a circular plate. There was a small space (slot) between the photographs. When spinning, you looked through the slots at the adjacent photograph and the strobe effect created the illusion of movement. Flip books are another example of early moving pictures.

When did Thomas Edison invent the first electric voice recorder?

Thomas Edison announced his invention of the first phonograph the 21. November 1877, and it was patented on February 19, 1878.Source:

What date did Lewis latimer invent the light bulb?

No Thomas Edison improved it

How old was Thomas Edison when he invented the movie projector?

Edison did not invent the movie projector. Charles Francis Jenkins and Thomas Armat have the patent for the original motion picture projector...The Phantoscope, initially designed by Jenkins alone. The projector was sold to Edison whom re-named it the Vitascope and began using it to show motion pictures in a NYC theater in 1896. For marketing purposes, Edison put his name on it. But, he did not invent the projector. There were various other devises and inventors that made pictures move in a more primitive fashion. Jenkins' Phantoscope, which used flim and electric light, is considered to be the one that ushered in the modern era of motion picture projection, with design and principles still used today.

Related questions

When did Edison invent the motion picture camera?

Thomas Edison invented the motion picture camera around 1888.

Which of these did Thomas Edison invent?

Phonograph apex

Which of the following did Thomas Edison invent?

the electric lightbulb

What year did thomas Edison invent the motion picture camera?

Around 1880

Did thomas Edison invent a clock?

No, Thomas Edison did not invent the clock. He was known for inventing the phonograph, the incandescent light bulb, and the motion picture camera, among many other technological innovations.

Did Thomas Edison invent the motion picture?

Yes, thomas Edison invented the first WORKING one.

When did thomas Edison invent the motion pictures?

Thomas Edison invented the motion picture in 1896

What did Thomas Alva Edison invent besides the light bulb?

The Electric LightbulbThe PhonographThomas Edison's first invention was a phonograph developed in Menlo Park.

Did Thomas Edison invent the Motion-Picture Projector?

Thomas Edison did not invent the motion-picture projector. He is credited with inventing the phonograph and the incandescent light bulb, but the motion-picture projector was actually invented by Thomas Armat and C. Francis Jenkins in 1895.

Who was the person to invent the camera?

George Eastman(i think the first one) or Thomas Edison

Did Isaac Newton invent a camera?

he did but no as we know it it was a pin hole camera look it up

What did Thomas Edison all invent?

Thomas Edison's most important inventions are the phonograph, motional picture camera, and electric light bulb.