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No.. The elderly were cared for by family members until they passed. The old folks were revered for their wisdom.

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Q: Did Sioux Indians abandon their elderly to die?
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What rituals did the native Americans do before war?

The Sioux had no laws but had a Council instead and they would select from among the tribe people who were quiet and honest to be councilmen or leaders and would make decisions on important issues. This could be anything from murder to war with another tribe and were often dressed in ceremonial clothes. The Sioux Indians had more women than men thus, the males could have more than one wife. One Indian hunter could kill enough buffalo to feed a number of women and children so he would take more wives and provide for them. If one of his wives had a sister without a husband or a husband that had been killed the male Sioux would often take her into his lodging as his wife. The wives prepared the buffalo skins and some would be traded off by the male Sioux for guns. The more wives that a man had the more skins he could prepare and the skins could be traded for valuable things like guns. Sioux Indians had to travel to find food. When a person was too old to keep up with the tribe, she or he was left behind to die. This custom was known as exposure and was considered perfectly normal by the Sioux Indians. As far as family life no other race of people had a deeper love of family than the Sioux Indians. They were very fond of their children and never punished, but talk them great wisdom by letting them make their own mistakes. If children didn't stick to the rulings of the tribe they had a pail of cold water thrown at them. Male children would be disciplined by being denied the right to play war games or attend hunting parties. The Sioux Indians were generally peaceful, used their sharp spears for killing buffalo, but were trained to become "dog soldiers" and used these spears to kill and impale their enemies.

Did people who were scalped by Indians always die?

I am pretty sure that some die, but mostly they just bleed out

Does anyone die in Gilmore Girls?

Lorelai's grandmother and Fran, the elderly woman who owned Westons and the Dragonfly.

Did any of the Cherokee Indians die in 1869 during the trancontinental railroad making?

Yes many Cherokee Indians were killed after refusing to give up their land to the builders of the transcontinental. they had to move away and they had to fight for their lives.:(

Were the Sioux a warring tribe?

Yes. Almost all native American tribes waged war against other tribes competing for the same resources. The Sioux in particular originated as a woodland tribe from the vicinity of Lake Superior, but spread South and West, and this expansion greatly accelerated once they acquired the horse. Thru Minnesota into Wisconsin to the South, but most aggressively thru the Dakotas, Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana. In doing so they displaced other tribes such as the Flathead, the Pawnee and the Crow, with whom they continually warred.

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Sioux Lehner died on January 3, 2009, in Tigard, Oregon, USA.

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Can elderly people ride a horse?

No because they will die.

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The people of Shinano responded to the cruel proclamation by preparing to abandon their elderly parents on the mountain to die. However, one son chose to defy the proclamation and took his mother with him, eventually saving her life.

What is the story about The Aged Mother-chinese folktale?

"The Aged Mother" is a Japanese folktale about a cruel ruler who orders all old people to be abandoned and left to die. A farmer must make the difficult decision to abandon his elderly mother upon the ruler's orders, but she ultimately helps him see the importance of respecting and caring for the elderly. Through her wisdom and guidance, they find a way to save her and all the other old people in their village.

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Pneumonia can kill, from babies to elderly. All ages are vulnerable, but especially babies/children, and the elderly or infirm.

If an elderly person has swine flu will they die sooner?

sooner than a teenagerhe/she probably will not die

Sioux customs and beliefs?

The Sioux had hundreds of "customs". Categories: Marriage Trading Burial Celebration Birthing Accepting foreigners into the tribe Religious War Hunting For detailed accounts of customs, read Thomas Mails fine book: The Mystic Warriors of the Plains.

How can a crow die?

It can die by a violence, sickness , and its elderly age. If you see a dead crow, please do not pick it up

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What rituals did the native Americans do before war?

The Sioux had no laws but had a Council instead and they would select from among the tribe people who were quiet and honest to be councilmen or leaders and would make decisions on important issues. This could be anything from murder to war with another tribe and were often dressed in ceremonial clothes. The Sioux Indians had more women than men thus, the males could have more than one wife. One Indian hunter could kill enough buffalo to feed a number of women and children so he would take more wives and provide for them. If one of his wives had a sister without a husband or a husband that had been killed the male Sioux would often take her into his lodging as his wife. The wives prepared the buffalo skins and some would be traded off by the male Sioux for guns. The more wives that a man had the more skins he could prepare and the skins could be traded for valuable things like guns. Sioux Indians had to travel to find food. When a person was too old to keep up with the tribe, she or he was left behind to die. This custom was known as exposure and was considered perfectly normal by the Sioux Indians. As far as family life no other race of people had a deeper love of family than the Sioux Indians. They were very fond of their children and never punished, but talk them great wisdom by letting them make their own mistakes. If children didn't stick to the rulings of the tribe they had a pail of cold water thrown at them. Male children would be disciplined by being denied the right to play war games or attend hunting parties. The Sioux Indians were generally peaceful, used their sharp spears for killing buffalo, but were trained to become "dog soldiers" and used these spears to kill and impale their enemies.

How did Jed Smith die?

Jed Smith was searching for water when he came up on Indians. The Indians killed Jed Smith.