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Odysseus and his men were trapped by a cyclops inside his cave. He sharpened a big tree trunk and stabbed him in his only eye, which blinded him. Earlier in the tale he told the cyclops his name was nobody. So when he was yelling to try to get another cyclops to help him he was saying, "nobody blinded me", so no one came to help him. So Odysseus and his crew got away.

p.s. read the book

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Q: Did Odysseus meet cyclops on his third voyage?
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Where does Odysseus meet the cyclops?

In the cyclops cave

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Odysseus and his men wait in the cyclops cave, as Odysseus is curious as to who the cyclops is. As Polyphemus brings in his sheep, he spots the men in the cave.

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Before. He recalls meeting the cyclops whilst on Phaeacia.

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Before. He recalls meeting the cyclops whilst on Phaeacia.

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The Cyclops (Polyphemus) ate six of Odysseus' men.Polyphemus eats two men the first time they meet at night, two in the morning for breakfast, and two more after the day's work is done.

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No. He had to pry his men away from the lotus eaters so he couldn't take any with him.

When they discover the cave of the cyclops how do Odysseus and his men differ in what they wish to do?

Odysseus wanted to stay and meet the giant. His men wanted to take his animals and food and sail away. Did you not read that in book nine?

What happens at the island of the cyclops in the odyssey?

Odysseus and his men steal food and other items from Polyphemus' cave (a cyclops). They planned to take the materials and leave but Odysseus is curious to see what the cyclops looks like. They stay to meet Polyphemus, getting trapped in his cave. To get free they sharpen a wooden pole, get the cyclops drunk, and blind him by stabbing his eye while he's asleep. Polyphemus moves the large rock blocking the cave and Odysseus and his men escape clinging to the bellies of sheep.

When they first discover the cave of the cyclops how do Odysseus his men differ in what they wish to do?

Odysseus wanted to stay and meet the giant. His men wanted to take his animals and food and sail away. Did you not read that in book nine?

When they first discover the cave of the cyclops how do Odysseus and his men differ in they wish to do?

Odysseus wanted to stay and meet the giant. His men wanted to take his animals and food and sail away. Did you not read that in book nine?