For as many terms as they were elected.
In British historical terms, it would be the Victorian Era from 1837 to her death in 1901.In terms of literature, it would be a late Gothic to early Modern time periodIn terms of art and archetecture I guess it would be Impressionist/Post Impressionist to Art Deco.In terms of economics, it would be the Age of Industrialization, which I think is the only term that has a global connotation, as the others are all Western.
In the mid-1800s, locomotives were better than other available forms of transportation in terms of speed, carrying capacity, reliability, etc. However locomotives had the disadvantage that they were limited in the places they could get to by where tracks had been laid, other forms of transportation available at the time locomotives were introduced could get anywhere that people lived.
Mothers: Mama or Mother Fathers: Pa, Papa or Father
Suck a Chubby and his crew came up with the terms, they terms were that all native Americans were able to live on there own land in the black hills South Dakota. Suck a Chubby and Sacajawea fought over it.
b = 3a ?
Medical terms used by the medical profession in caring for patients.
In medical terms, stool means feces.
What does code610 mean in medical terms
Caudal is the opposite of cranial in medical terms.
Occult means hidden in medical terms.
Nerves conduct impulses in medical terms.
Progressive medical terms means it will get worse.
In medical terms, "sinister" means left.
Inspiration in medical terms means inhaling.
In medical terms, trig stands for triglycerides.Trig in medical terms stands for triglycerides.
Fe in medical terms usually refers to iron.