The actor who played Ritchie Valens in La Bamba was Lou Diamond Phillips. He has also starred in other movies such as Young Guns, and Young Guns 2. He has played parts in other movies as well.
Lou Diamond Phillips.
Lou Diamond Phillips played the character.
Lou is part Cherokee. He was also adopted by the Lakota Nation.
Lou Diamond Phillips appeared in the SVU episode 'Fault', season 7, episode 19, originally aired 4/4/06 as the character Victor Paul Gitano. The highlight of the episode is when Benson and Stabler chase Gitano through a crowded bus depot.
Lou Diamond Phillips played the part of Ritchie Valens in the film "La Bamba."
The actor who played Ritchie Valens in La Bamba was Lou Diamond Phillips. He has also starred in other movies such as Young Guns, and Young Guns 2. He has played parts in other movies as well.
Lou Diamond Phillips.
Lou Diamond Phillips's birth name is Lou Diamond Upchurch.
The cast of Lou Diamond Phillips - 2010 includes: Lou Diamond Phillips as himself
Lou diamond Phillips
Lou Diamond Phillips was born on February 17, 1962.
Lou Diamond Phillips was born on February 17, 1962.
no he's filipino
Lou Diamond Phillips
Lou Diamond Phillips played the character.