he did, many times. Except nothing major to cost his producer or co workers their jobs or careers. Just a few things to get the message out that he wanted to leave. things like burning his underpants on the set and coming up to work dressed as Elton john.
He never did. He was always profession and he signed a contract and worked hard as he was supposed to. He was released early from his contract and there were no hard feelings when he left the show.
24 in the first season, 27 in the fourth. Johnny Depp's born 1963 and the first season of 21 Jump Street aired 1987 (& season 4 aired 1989-1990) In the series he's playing Officer Tom Hanson and appears in 4 out of 5 seasons.
Below is a link to the movie data base for a complete list of entire cast.
I don't know about the other guy but Depp left to pursue feature films. It seems ot have worked for him.
21 Jump Street is a movie...
21 Jump Street.
21 jump street
21 Jump Street
Johnny Depp
21 jump street
he was 24.in in 1987 with the serial 21 jump street..
Big on the Web - 2010 Johnny Depp to Cameo in 21 Jump Street 2-47 was released on: USA: 27 April 2011
He never did. He was always profession and he signed a contract and worked hard as he was supposed to. He was released early from his contract and there were no hard feelings when he left the show.
Depp was still contracted to play Officer Tom Hanson on 21 Jump Street in 1989. 21 Jump Street was filmed in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
The first thing that I ever saw him in was Twenty One Jump Street. His first major film was nightmare on elm street. I think you are right Nightmare on Elm Street did predate Twenty One Jump Street.
Depp's debut TV appearance was 21 Jump Street in the 1980's. Welcome Back Kotter was a 1970's sitcom.
Quite possibly, perhaps briefly during their time filming of 21 Jump Street.