Yes. Forrest was to be introduced to President Kennedy as a member of the All-American Football Team. Prior to meeting the president, the team was served a buffet of food and beverages. He drank fifteen Dr. Pepper, so he was squirming by the time he was to be introduced to the president. When Kennedy congratulated him and asked him how he felt to be an all-American, Forrest replied, "I got to pee."
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.
Forrest Gump met President Kennedy while a member of the All-American football team. He met President Johnson to receive the Medal of Honor. He met President Nixon to receive an award for player of the year while on the national table tennis team.
There were several assassinations and attempted assassinations. John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Governer George Wallace, two attempts on President Gerald Ford, and President Regan.
Elvis Presley and John Lennon.
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy.
John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.
John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson,and Richard Nixon.
Forrest Gump met President Kennedy while a member of the All-American football team. He met President Johnson to receive the Medal of Honor. He met President Nixon to receive an award for player of the year while on the national table tennis team.
There were several assassinations and attempted assassinations. John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Governer George Wallace, two attempts on President Gerald Ford, and President Regan.
John Lennon
Elvis Presley and John Lennon.
Visual effects with archival footage. His dialogue was probably a voice over.
Forrest Gump met President Kennedy while a member of the All-American football team. He met President Johnson to receive the Medal of Honor. He met President Nixon to receive an award for player of the year while on the national table tennis team.
Bill Murrey, Chevy Chase and John Travolta.
The cast of Gump Fiction - 1995 includes: Chris Edgerly as Forrest Gump John Malovich as Lieutenant Daniel Taylor