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Yes, Bart died in the second-to-last episode of Gossip Girl. In season 2, he is said to have died in a limo accident, but in season 5 it is revealed that Bart only faked his death, and he had been in hiding for years. In the episode of his death, he and Chuck get into a fight on a rooftop, and Bart ends up dangling off the edge. They pan away at the moment he ends up on the edge, so it is unclear whether or not Chuck pushed him. Bart falls from the roof when Chuck refuses to help save him, and dies.

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Q: Did Bart Bass from Gossip Girl die?
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Did chuck bass from Gossip Girl die?

no chuck bass did not die at the end of the season finale series 3, he was shot but then he was looked after by pretty girl then him and her came in to a strong relationship and chuck alienated himself from the world.

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