Usually the DD Number can be found in the bottom of a demand draft. Check out for a white strip of paper on the bottom part of the draft and you can see different codes printed in magnetic recognition patterns. One of them will be the DD number.
minimum Rs.20000/- charges dd commission Rs.39
On the bottom, the first no. is the DD no., the second no. is the MICR, and the last no. is the Transaction Code.
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From To Sub : Requisition for Cancellation of DD. I request you to kindly cancel the attached Demand draft bearing No : ______ purchased on _____ from your bank and charges if any shall be paid by cash. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Name) Encl : Original DD
Toss will win by dd and match by dd
DD of any bank can be cancelled by producing the original DD to the issuing bank and adhering to formalities prescribed by that bank.
minimum Rs.20000/- charges dd commission Rs.39
On the top of the DD, one box will be there with Sl no. followed by digits.
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DD Number is usually printed in the front of the DD on the bottom panel of the draft. The exact location might vary from bank to bank, but it can be easily identified. In most cases the term "DD No:" is added as a prefix before the DD Number for easiy identification. If you cant find it, call up your bank customer care and they will help you with it.
What are the DD nos dated on 29.04.2009 at bank code no1360?
request letter to bank manager for cancellation of expired dd & re validation
Contact the bank, give them the DD number and ask them to stop payment on the old DD and re-issue a new DD
Yes. It is almost equal to cash. A Draft is an instrument where the DD issuer has to pay the corresponding cash to the bank for the DD to be issued. Hence the DD receiver can treat it almost as good as cash. It can be cashed in one working day or lesser. Note: In cases where the DD issuer issues a stop payment or DD cancel request - the DD has no value.
best sample of an application to bank manager for issuing DD to pay the fee instalment in college.
f I got your question right then a DD has been issued from bank XYZ in your name and you want to deposit it in ABC. I don't see a problem in this. If the DD only has your name on it you can deposit it in any bank where you have an account. While if the DD has your bank & account details printed along with your name then you have to deposit it in the same bank as mentioned in the DD.
No, even a non-customer of a bank can take DD. But banks may charge differential DD commission for customers (lower charge) and non-customers (higher charge)