DETERMINE is an acronym used to list warning signs for poor nutritional health in the elderly.
Eating poorly
Tooth loss/mouth pain
Economic hardship
Reduced social contact
Multiple medications
Involuntary weight loss or gain
Needs assistance in self care
Elder years above 80
Earth Resources Data Analysis System.
yes it was Yes. TV is an acronym for the word "television". vision means watching tele means far
It means Close of Play. Refers to the end of the business day.
in Indian Railways SS means Station suprintendant . he is incharge of a Railway station
There are no elderly in the Maze Runner.
it means awsome
The acronym YAF means "You Are Fat" or "Yosemite At Favor"
The acronym CARIE stands for Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly. This an organization whose mission is to improve well beings,rights and autonomy of older persons.
The acronym AQR means Ain't Quite Right.
The acronym ART means Approaching Room Temperature.
The acronym AAA means Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.
The acronym ALS means Absolute Loss of Sanity.
The acronym AHF means Acute Hissy Fit.
on the phone
Its a word and it means guarantee Khaled
It is not an acronym exactly but more like slang. BBQ means barbecue.