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Q: Could the Titanic have fit in the Panama Canal's locks?
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Related questions

What are facts about canals?

the canals hold reservoirs and locks

What are similarities between the panama canal and the ballard locks?

What are the similarties between the Panama Canal and the ballard locks

How did US gain the panama canal territory?

Panama was a part of Columbia. The US fomented a revolt in Panama, then signed a treaty with the new state of Panama. This was around 1902 (maybe not exact). Panama signed over the canal zone to the USA, and the USA built the system of locks, canals, and lakes that is called the Panama Canal.

Is the Suez Canal the only canal without canal locks?

No. Most, but not all, other canals have canal locks. Most canals are not built on flat land. Another without locks is the Corinth Canal.

What cities are located near the path of the panama canal?

Colon, cristobal, Gatun Locks, Gailliard Cut, Pedro Miguel Locks, Balboa, Miraflores Locks, Fort Amador, Panama city

Locks used on rivers and lakes?

No, they are only used on canals

How many locks did ships have to travel through from balboa to col'on?

Ships traveling from Balboa to Colon in Panama cross through one set of locks at the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal has a system of locks that raise and lower ships to the level of Gatun Lake, which is then crossed to reach the other set of locks at the other end of the canal.

What has locks but no keys and is about 40 miles?

Panama Canal

How do boats traverse the Panama Canal?

Through Locks

How do water locks work?

Water locks allow ships to move from one level of water to another through canals.

What is the width of a Panama Canal Lock?

The width of the locks were widened to 110 feet after a request from the United States Navy.

What is the most important thing in panama?

Panama Canal Locks which facilitates the crossing of the canal itself by ships .