The conflict of the story Footnote to Youth has to do with the couple marrying at such a young age. The struggle and have regrets about their decision.
Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age.
describe Teang in the story footnote to youth
The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.
Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age.
describe Teang in the story footnote to youth
The main conflict in the poem "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa is the difficulty that the two young lovers face by marrying so early in life.
Footnote to youth is the title of the story. It is said that it is a footnote to youth because it is abrief reminder for the Filipinos especially the youth of what a real life could be today. It also indicatesthe sources or the causes why youth act this way.
because of thestructure of the story
Footnote to Youth is a short story by Jose Garcia Villa. The conflict in the plot comes when the two main characters, Dodong and Teang, decide to marry at a very young age.