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build acceptance of cuktural diversity

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Q: Canada's policy of multiculturalism is an attempt to?
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How might Canada's policy of multiculturalism lead to increased immigration?

Canada's policy of multiculturalism could lead to more Immigration by making immigrants feel more welcome.

What has the author Susan Christine Mack written?

Susan Christine Mack has written: 'The policy and practice of multiculturalism' 'The policy and practice of multiculturalism (an examination of a children's day camp in the Metropolitan Toronto area)' -- subject(s): Racism, Multiculturalism, Race awareness in children, Race relations, Day camps

What effect does the policy of multiculturalism have on Canada?

canada mom had sex me then she sucked me up but i didnt eat her out

What has the author Marc Leman written?

Marc Leman has written: 'Canadian-American relations' -- subject(s): Foreign relations, Foreign economic relations, United States, Canada, Politics and government 'Canadian multiculturalism' -- subject(s): Multiculturalism, Government policy

What are factors that influence policy?

There can be plenty of factors influencing policy making in a country. Some are: geographical factors. socio-economic factors. multiculturalism. plurality of the country. castesim. class differences. poverty and backwardness.

What are factors influencing policy making?

There can be plenty of factors influencing policy making in a country. Some are: geographical factors. socio-economic factors. multiculturalism. plurality of the country. castesim. class differences. poverty and backwardness.

What is canadas national fish?

canadas national fish is cod and salmon................................................thats wat i think how bout u

Does being bilingual have anything to do with multiculturalism?

Yes. Bilingualism has a lot to do with multiculturalism.

What is European leaders view multiculturalism as?

European leaders view multiculturalism as:

How do you spell multicultrilism?

The correct spelling is "multiculturalism."

Why Does Canada need a multiculturalism policy?

Canada's multiculturalism policy is necessary to promote social cohesion, respect for diversity, and inclusion of all cultural groups within society. It helps to counter discrimination and promote the understanding and celebration of various cultures, which contributes to a vibrant and enriched society. Additionally, it allows individuals to maintain their cultural heritage while also participating fully in Canadian society.

Immigration Policy 1972 Gough Whitlam?

Multiculturalism Policy "All cultures valued and welcomed" - greater sense of equality within nation - cultural diversity is embraced - influenced and enhanced all facets of Australian life