Can I use my TWIC CARD to get a discount on a rental car?
Yes, I believe so.
Yes, as long as you do not arrive on an airplane. You can use a U.S. Passport Card to enter Canada on foot, by car, train, boat, etc.
no They are state/country specific
Definetly money. Your card could corrupt or get chopped up in Canadian Bank machines. And, you can go to a bank and get the American money transferred in to Canadian money.
There are many options for purchasing an ideal ski holiday package for use in Canada. Companies that sell ski holiday Canada packages include Ski, Snow Ventures, and Ski Travel Company.
Yes you can!
can I use a Xerox copy until I receive the replacement card
No the twic card is useless in the private sector. No one considers it a valid is and its the most expensive id u can aquire and useless
No, The TWIC Card is only to authorize you to enter Sea Ports if request is approved by the FSO of that facility. It is merely an ID card that if you have one means the FBI has done a background on you and you have been cleared as a non terrorist or dangerous person to the transportation community specifically maritime.
States that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card
When traveling in the Northern Hemisphere, citizens of the U.S. can apply for a passport card to cross the boarders of Mexico and Canada and travel to the Caribbean and Bermuda. Travel can be by land or sea, but not for international air travel. The card is cheaper than a normal passport and is the size of a driver's license.
What law states that the applicant understands the provisions of the travel card program and proper use of the travel card
The passport card was created to facilitate the frequent travel of Americans living in border communities. It can only be used for land and sea travel between the U.S. and Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.
Statement of Understanding
Statement of Understanding
Statement of Understanding