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Generally the parent who retains full custodial powers of minor children does not need permission from the non custodial parent in issues relating to the child/children. The terms of the custodial order determine what a parent may or may not do concerning minor children. If there is not a specific stipulation pertaining to the issue at hand it would be prudent for the custodial parent to discuss the matter with a qualified attorney before taking any action. If you have sole custody, you can travel with your child unless there is a specific agreement in the divorce decree that you need special arrangements with your ex before international travel. Also, you should get each of your children a passport. Any large post office can assist you with obtaining a passport.

Where moving children around affects the ability of the other parent to visit the children it is very common for the law to require that the other parent either agrees to the move, or is compensated for the extra travelling to the new location in order to continue the visiting arrangements.

Full custody is never to be regarded as permission to block or hinder visitation.

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Q: Can you take your children to Mexico if you have full custody?
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If you are the custodial parent but work at night does the biological father have the right to take custody of the children?

If you have custody awarded or appointed by the court, the father will have to go through the court to get custody. Usually, to reverse such an order, he would have to prove that being in your custody is detrimental to the children. There is shared custody. They have lived with the mother since the divorce four years ago. He has not paid any money for support. Mother has had children more than the 50% of time. Mothers attorney said that father has rights to custody since the mother works nights and they are with her new husband. Since he is blood father he can take custody of children! I find this hard to believe but have to face the fact that it maybe true. I find it a great disruption in their schedule and hard to see a judge changing it but could it happen?

If you were never married to your baby's father do you have the legal right to move to another state without his permission or do you need to get permission from the courts first?

A mother has sole rights to her children unless/until a court order is issued giving the father custodial rights. If there is not a custody order from the court the unmarried mother may take the child/children and move whenever, wherever she wants.

Can a mother with full physical custody and joint legal custody. would need Fathers permission to take doughter out of the country to visit parents?

If you have joint legal custody then you will need the father to sign paperwork to get a passport for your daughter to leave the country. If she already has a passport and your trip out of the country does not interfere with his visitation then you have every right to take you daughter anywhere you want to take her:-)

Can a parent who shares joint custody of children rotating every four days take children out of one school and transfer them to a different district?

You would have to talk to your lawyers or a judge.

Can an ex husband take children out of school and the state for a week or more with out consent of other parent?

The answer depends on the details such as who has legal custody and provisions set forth in any custody orders, visitation arrangements and agreements between the parties.

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How can you get your children to the UK from their abusive father?

You will need a lawyer to try and get you full custody of your children and your lawyer will have to prove your husband is abusive to his children. If you presently have duel custody of your children and you take the children to the UK you could be charged with kidnapping.

If you have joint legal custody of your two children and you're engaged to an Army officer stationed in Texas what actions do you need to take to get full custody?

speak to a lawyer

If the father hasn't seen his children in 6 months hasn't come around or tried to see them or asked about them or anything so I have to take him to court to get full custody?

You can try taking him to court. This does not mean that you will get full custody.

Can a parent with sole custody take children out of the state without informing the other parent?

yes because you have full custtosy

Can a mother get a police officer and take children from father?

If she has custody of the kids. Legal custody.

What happens if mother has full custody and has to take a hair follicle test and comes up positive?

If she is taking her children's Adderall, she can lose custody. If the fatehr is not capable of talking the kids, they can be placed in foster care.

Can your Ex Wife Take your Son To Mexico?

It depends on who has custody of the child.

Mom has full custody children don't want to go to dad's can mom force dad to take them when she goes on vacation?

A father who does not have legal custody of his children cannot be forced to take care of those children while the mother, who has custody, is on vacation. And really, it would not be good for the children to be left with the father if that father actually didn't want to take care of them, but was forced to do so by some form of legal coercion. Children should be cared for by someone who actually wants to care for them. They will get much better care that way.

With 5050 custody can you move and take the children?

Only if it states it in a custody agreement. Every agreement has a section for that.

Can you file for full custody for your child if his mother is filing for bankruptcy?

Well you can but the court will not find that a good reason to take custody away from her.

Can a grandfather come from Mexico and get custody of his United States born grandchildren?

Yes he can; however proof of consanguinity must be provided, and there shouldn't be any immediate or close relatives who could take responsibility for the children.

With joint custody can a parent take children out of province of Alberta without consent?
