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Yes you can, but why?

You would be showing, quite publicly, one of the following:

Ignorance (U.S. Marines at 1992 World Series)

Request for assistance (common use for upside-down flag)

Political statement (diluted by the two above)

Most people would assume ignorance.

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Q: Can you fly the Canadian flag upside down?
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Is it ever appropriate to fly the US flag upside down?


Is it appropriate to fly the flag upside down?

No, that's actually disrespectful. Flying a flag upside down is a sign of distress. For instance, if you were on a sinking ship, you should turn your flag upside down to signal to other mariners that you are in distress.

When can you fly the us flag upside down?

When you are in distress and need help.

Can you sew with fabric that has flags and some end up being upside down?

Etiquette dictates that a national flag should never be shown upside down. It is a sign of distress to fly a flag upside down.

When would you fly the American flag upside down?

The American Flag flown upside down is a cry for help. It was mainly used on boats before the era of radio.

Why would anyone fly a flag upsidedown?

Flying an United States Flag upside down is a recognized distress signal.

What Military bases fly the American Flag upside down?

None! Unless under duress.

What is something one should never do out of respect of the flag?

You should never fly it upside down

Can I fly the American flag upside down?

According to US law, flying the flag upside down is only allowed when trying to signal "dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property". Like, for example, if you're on a boat and it's on fire and sinking.Some people fly the flag upside down to protest the US government or its actions. This is technically illegal, but generally not enforced. Additionally, many Americans, especially military veterans, tend to view such an act with hostility.

Which can fly upside down?

The Green Bee Eater can fly upside down.

What regular yearly days do you fly Canadian flag at half mast?

You only fly a Canadian flag at half mast when you are mourning.

Is it appropriate to fly the flag upside dowm?

If you are in danger or distress it is