If the father has sole custody of a child, and agrees to let a step-mother spank his child then yes, she can. However, if there is joint custody it has to be an agreement between all parents, otherwise there can be legal repercussions.
yes it is. however it can vary from state to state for example: In California a parent can spank their child as long as they do not leave a mark. contact your local law enforcement.
Yes it is legal to spank a child.
she can spank you if your parents say yes and she has a good reason that if it was your parents instead they would still spank you. doesn't understand a math question or don't understand your science homework I would not count. if you live in Sweden, Canada or some other place where your not aloud to spank a child, then you'd better tell the police because that's illegal.
Yes u can spank your children anywhere just don't kill them
You see, If your child does something right and you tell them not to, they do it again. If you spank them they are in pain, after a while there like no I don't want to get hit, I'll be a good boy. You see?
I think the movie you are talking about is "The Uninvited". It is about a girl who comes home from a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt because of the death of her mother in a fire. She and her sister believe that their stepmother is a child murderer who is out to get them, so they kill her...but the sister died in the fire with the mother...the psycho girl imagined her and killed her innocent stepmother.
You spank yo child for as long as your cold heart desires.
Yes it is legal to spank a child.
If you are cussing the word that your child says, then no. however, if the child said it, (not mocking the parent) then it is ok. Spank the child. I don't think a child should be spanked for swearing.
There are no set legal limits on how many times a parent can spank a child in the United States.
a rod
A stepmother should be allowed to discipline a child such as grounding. However, a stepmother should not be able to physically discipline a child.
NO. And if he does, call the police.
No. It is not okay for a parent to spank any adult child, gay or straight.
I am a firm believer of spanking, look at kids nowadays. Our children now are the result of not being punished correctly for their actions. They say spanking is "abusing". So for you to spank your child, be prepared for welfare to come in and investigate if your child goes to school and tells on you. A nude spank? No.
It depends. Is the stepmother still married to the custodial father and if so does the custodial father have any joint or sole custody? It would have to be decided upon in court. If the stepmother is not with the father anymore and the child wants to live with the stepmother you could try to file for legal guardianship but the parents would need to agree or be proven unfit.
If you are talking to a child, yes