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NOPE. A felony conviction makes you ineligible to obtain a hazmat endorsement - that's federal law. On top of that, your prospects of finding employment as a CDL driver with a felony on your record... they're less than hopeful, let's just say. You should consider a different career path.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

No. When applying for a hazmat endorsement, you will be subjected to a TSA background check. A felony conviction will automatically disqualify you from obtaining it.

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Q: Can a felon get a hazmat cdl in Indiana?
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Can a felon get a hazmat in on there cdl in pa?

Yes. However, your chances of finding employment as a CDL driver with a felony conviction are slim, and you won't be eligible to receive a Hazmat endorsement.

Can a convicted felon get a cdl in Indiana?

A convicted felon can get a CDL (but they can't get a hazmat endorsement). However, they would be best advised to ensure that they've found employers who would be willing to hire them once they obtained a CDL.

Can a felon get a cdl hazmat license in nebraska?

A felony conviction will cause your hazmat endorsement to be rejected nationwide.

Can a felon get hazmat endorsment on his cdl in pa?

Not in Pennsylvania, nor any other state.

Can a convicted felon get a class a cdl in Iowa?

A convicted felon can get a CDL (but they can't get a hazmat endorsement). However, they would be best advised to ensure that they've found employers who would be willing to hire them once they obtained a CDL.

Can a felon get a cdl hazmat license in Texas?

No. Applicants for a hazmat endorsement are subject to a TSA background check. If you have a felony record, you won't pass the background check.

Can you get a hazemat indorsement with a cdl?

You MUST have a CDL in order to get a hazmat endorsement.

Can you get a hazmat cdl in ca with domestic violance charges?

If you have felony charges pending, or have been convicted of felony charges, then no - when you apply for a hazmat endorsement, you're subject to a TSA background check. You can get a CDL, but not the hazmat endorsement.

Can a felon get a cdl license in wi?

Yes. Getting the CDL isn't the problem - finding employment as a felon is.

I looking for a owner CDL"C" HAZMAT?

i have hazma

How long deos it take for hazmat endorsment on cdl to be approved?

Once you get the hazmat endorsement, you have it for as long as you have a CDL. As for the CDL, it varies by state.

What does HME mean in a CDL?

HME won't be seen on a CDL - the endorsement for hazmat on a CDL is H, or X if it's in conjunction with a tanker endorsement. HME is often used as a shortened form of "hazmat (or 'hazardous materials') endorsement".