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is there any chance of getting govt (banking) jobs with compartmental and one yr wasted after inter

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Q: Can a compartmental student get government job?
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What is compartmental pass?

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may i apply in government job with nios cerificate or not ?

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I Have a job. If I am applying for student loans I am a student.

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every student must participate in politics ,because now in our country, when we speak about (job),basaries,education on behalf of government we mean politics, because they rule government.......................................................................................................................................... please don't be mistaken...................

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Student government.Student government.Student government.Student government.

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compartmental exams r to be held on 18th July 2009 Saturday at 10:30 am for all subjects

What is the meaning of compartment in compartmental exam?

Compartment in the CBSE system means that a person has not passed a subject in one of the five subject areas of the external exam. When that happens, compartmental exams are given.

When was Student Government in the Philippines created?

Student Government in the Philippines was created in 2002.

What is the job of freshman rep in student government?

Planning spirit week, homecoming, school events, dances, helping with fundraisers, etc. etc.

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supreme student government are the student body. They serve as a leader in a school and organized some events.

When was Conference on Student Government Associations created?

Conference on Student Government Associations was created in 1981.