Depends on the state and country, but in the eyes of the United State government, anyone below the age of 18.
Some states within the U.S. however, consider minors age 17 or 16 and below.
Yes. Any person of any age can be arrested. Generally, depending upon the severity of the crime, a parent is called before the child is taken into official custody (such as if the child is at school). If the parents or emergency contact can't be reached the child will be taken into custody and the Division of Family and Child services will be called in. There are, depending on the state, certain things that aren't supposed to happen (cavity searches and the link) until proper agencies are notified. Children as young as 6 years old have been hauled off in handcuffs for offenses like being unruly in the classroom. The second, unasked, part of this question is whether the child is charged. Just because someone is arrested does not mean they will be charged with a crime. That's up to the prosecutor or district attorney. The determination, as well, whether to charge the minor as an adult, depends upon the state laws and the severity of the crime. I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. I worked for a defense attorney for several years and handled both criminal and civil matters.
At any age, you can be detained. But when you get to jail, your parents come get you. Its up to the police if you get charged or not. (IF YOU ARE CHARGED WITH A CRIME) then they will place you in handcuffs. 17 and older are then placed in jail, and will wait for a court hearing. 17 and younger, will be moved to TYC (Texas Youth Correctional) and await trial. If you happen to get charged in court with the crime, you will then sit in a cell until your 17.
No but a 13 year old can
no its barely good for a 13 year old
No 5'3 is average to tall for a 13 year old girl
No, a 13 year old can not work on a farm in Pennsylvania unless the parents own the farm. A 14 year old can work on the farm after school hours.
As tall as any other Caucasian 13-year old boy in the world.
Yes. It's called Statutory Rape.
He would never go out with a 13 year old! He's 20 years old for crying out loud, he could get arrested for dating someone that old.
its not law who you date you certinly would not get arrested for it if u like the boy/girl then go for it [16 - boy] [13 - girl]
As far as I know you can legally date a 13 year old if you are 17 but having a sexual relationship is a whole other story.
Dating? To be honest, who the hell would date a 13 year old if your 17 year old? I think you should wait a few years. If there doing any physical ....... (you know what I mean) stuff, then the 17 year old can and will get arrested and of course jailed. If you think about it, a 13 year old is a very young age for even dating. If I was the parent, I would kick the 17 year old butt and ground the 13 year old for a few months.
Probably, but a man can definitely get arrested for raping a 15 year old.
No its not illegal but a 13 and 17 to date but anyone under the age of 17 cant give consent to have sex. So if sexual activities were going on the 17 year old could be arrested for either rape or sexual misconduct. A 17 year old is way too old for a 13 year old. They need to date ones of their age!
No, you can't have someone arrested for trying to date someone. There are no laws about dating. Now, if they attempted to have sex, it would be attempted rape and that could lead to criminal charges.
He was arrested for assaulting a 12 year old.
Not just for dating... For having sex, it's considered rape, even if it's consensual.
no my sister did