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Even if you doubled your intake of Flintstones vitamins, you would still be lacking in many vital nutrients like your B vitamins that support energy and skin and hair growth. The patch vitamins bypass the digestive system to deliver the nutrients directly into the bloodstream passing through the skin.

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14y ago

Taking vitamins aids in healthy eating. If you are healthier then your hair may grow a little faster and look shinier.

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Q: Can Flintstone vitamins make you hair grow?
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Can you take vitamins to make your hair grow?

Yes, there are some vitamins you can take to make your hair and nails grow faster. I know for a fact if you take prenatal vitamins, your hair will grow really fast.

Do flintstone vitamins make children sick?

They shouldn't.

What are some good brands of children's vitamins?

Try Flintstone Gummy Vitamins, they contain a lot of Calcium that will help your son grow up to be healthy and strong, and make up for the vitamins he is currently missing.

How do you make hair grow back faster?

head massage,hair mask and vitamins

Will not washing your hair make it grow?

no, but it will make it dirty. If you want your hair to grow, eat healthy foods, take your vitamins, and exercise regularly.

What do you eat to make your hair grow faster?

what you can eat to make your hair grow faster are healthy foods like an apple and make sure you get lots of vitamins in you

How can you make your hair grow in 2 days without olive oil or vitamins?

You can make your hair long by straingint :)

Is curly perm able to make your hair grow quicker?

No, nothing can make your hair grow faster. But if you wash your hair every other day and take vitamins you can keep it strong and able to grow! :)

What can make my hair grow faster?

you can take folic acid, or prenatle vitamins

Will Geritol Complete make hair grow?

Geritol I am not sure. But iron and pre-natal vitamins does help hair growth.

What can you put in your hair to make it grow faster?

You cannot put anything in your hair to make it grow faster. It depends on your diet and the vitamins you take. Try prenatal vitamins; they are usually for pregnant women but they also are used as a beauty supplement. They have lots of vitamins, folic acid... everything your body needs.

How can you grow your hair?

There are many different ways:Buying shampoos to make your hair grow longkeeping it loose and let it grow out without being touched!- DO NOT USE not heat damage your hair, such as- hair straighteners, hairdryer, hairspray, sun etcBut the best way is to eat healthy, type into google 'what vitamins do i need to make my hair healthy and grow long' and it will tell you fruit&veg to buy which has the vitamins to help you grow your hair, also try and not damage your hair with heat products.