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Q: Beginning in the late 15th century, interactions between Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas exposed people in these areas to plant new, plants animals, cultures, and diseases. Historians describe this process of exposure as the?
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Who study passt cultures?

Past cultures are studied by historians and archaeologists. Archaeologists also study prehistoric cultures.

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What encouraged the development of cultures in the Americas?

They encouraged the development by the artifacts.

How were the Americas populated and how did they become home to diverse cultures?

The Americas were populated through multiple waves of migration from Asia over thousands of years, with people crossing the Bering land bridge. These early settlers adapted to diverse environments and developed unique cultures through interactions with their surroundings and each other. Over time, these diverse cultures evolved and thrived, shaped by factors like agriculture, trade, and beliefs.

How was Christianity shaped by the cultures of Asia and the Americas?

dy the chinese people

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What was an effect of interactions among early civilizations?

Ideas and beliefs were spread to different cultures

What are two pieces of evidence that historians might use to understand other cultures?

وTechnology and electronics

What is a historians is doing when she examines the ways different historical cultures recorded history?

Studying historiography

How do artifacts help historians learn about the past?

Artifacts provide tangible evidence of past societies, offering insights into daily life, technologies, social structures, beliefs, and traditions. By studying artifacts, historians can reconstruct and interpret the lifestyles and activities of past cultures, helping to deepen our understanding of history. Additionally, artifacts can also provide clues about trade routes, interactions between civilizations, and technological advancements.

What do historians study when attempting to make connections between ancient civilizations and world cultures of today?

Historians study cultural hearths to make connections between ancient civilizations.