Green anacondas grow much larger and stronger than yellow anacondas. Yellow anacondas are 10 to 15 ft long, and weigh 40 to 80 pounds. Green anacondas are 20 to 30 ft long, and weigh 200 to 550 pounds.
The answer to this problem is simple. Green Anacondas and certain pythons are the same length. that means that both green anaconda, African Rock Python and a Burmese python can all reach the same length of longness if they eat right they can become 33 feet long for the females. but like i said that only happens if they eat right. A male green anaconda and Burmese python and also a African rock python can probaly reach 29 feet and 30 if they eat right and can possibly become bigger than the females if the females don't eat right.
The yellow anaconda is yellow and has black spots. It is much smaller than the green anaconda.
It depends on how big the anaconda or crocodile is. A nile river crocodile fighting a black anaconda will win easily by crunching it to death. A giant green anaconda fighting an Indus crocodile will win by crushing its body to death.
i thing an anaconda is dangerous because it is greater than cobra so, anaconda is dangerous
Nope, boa constrictors stay quite a bit shorter than anacondas, although they can reach similar lengths to the smaller yellow anacondas at the bigger end of their size range.
The Python. Python has no chance. Python is way smaller then the Annoconda and it has a snout instead of a mouth which doesn't let it opens its mouth as big as the Annoconda. Annoconda wins in every category. Bigger, Stronger, No Snout.
A green anaconda
Pythons grow longer than Anacondas. Reticulated Pythons are the world's longest snakes closely followed by Burmese Pythons and then Anacondas. Anacondas are the world's heaviest snakes
Green anacondas are much bigger than reticulated pythons. Yellow anacondas are much smaller than retic pythons.
A green anaconda can kill things much bigger and stronger than a child. They can even kill jaguars.
The yellow anaconda is yellow and has black spots. It is much smaller than the green anaconda.
There are many Boa species and the Anaconda is one of them. It's alternative name is 'Water Boa'.
The yellow anaconda is yellow and has black spots. It is much smaller than the green anaconda.
It depends on how big the anaconda or crocodile is. A nile river crocodile fighting a black anaconda will win easily by crunching it to death. A giant green anaconda fighting an Indus crocodile will win by crushing its body to death.
On average, the green anaconda is 2 ft longer than the reticulated python.
It depends if your talking about a green anaconda that will weigh a lot more than a yellow anaconda
Although an anaconda is bigger than a cobra: one ounce of a cobra's venom can kill more than 20 adults. Anaconda is less deadly
An Anaconda snake (also a constrictor) is bigger than a boa constrictor.