Hi ..I think they are, The red tail here in south ga. I used to raise pigeons until recently and knew other pigeon fanciers who believed the same thing. The reason we did was because the cooper hawks were very deadly to our birds, and Red Tails generally couldn't catch one of our more experienced birds..So sometimes if a pair of Red Tails moved in... They for the most part kept the coopers away ..Plus have watched them many times cause I am a some what animal watcher..fight of other Birds of Prey that come into their area...
The name of my territorial representative is
what were some of the colonial or territorial days in nebraska
Storm Hawks ended on 2009-04-06.
Nebraska Territorial Legislature ended in 1864.
John Two-Hawks is Lakota Sioux
hawks are predators and territorial they need large territories to hunt so you see less of them
When somebody bothers it or is in their territory; hawks are very territorial. Any bird of prey rarely attacks a human unless it perceives its offspring as being in danger.
No. Hawks are hawks and vultures are vultures.
The only way to get rid of hawks is to remove their food supply from the territory in question. Scaring them off doesn't work, as they're quite intelligent, and and learn the methods of repelling them very quickly.
Mockingbirds can be quite territorial, attacking hawks, dogs, cats and even humans. I suppose if the mockingbird saw the baby bluebirds as a threat to its territory it could attack or kill baby bluebirds.
Just yesterday, 10-21-2012, I saw a group of approximately 30 redtailed hawks rising together in one group. One landed in the backyard and stared my german shepherd down then flew off. I have never seen them in a group before like this before.
Hawks or "war hawks" are usually for going to war.
The possessive form for the plural noun hawks is hawks'.
are chameleons territorial
Hawks are predators and carnivores.