I don't think that horse power and cubic centimeters are directly proportional. Horsepower is a unit of measurement for work. However, cubic centimeters is one part of the equation of the output of a conventional gasoline engine, other parts would be air input, exhaust output, fuel ratio, etc...
Displacement doesn't directly equivocate to horsepower.
It's about 5.5hp
the cubic centimeters of 6.5 horse power is 175 cc
3.3 HP
254ccis how many horse power
A cc is a cubic centimeter. It is a unit of Volume. A horsepower is a unit of Power. They are not the same thing. There is no fixed relation.
Horse power is not measured by cc's alone. There are many factors involved.
it varies... Chevy was the first to make one cc equal one horse power.
you can convert cubic inches to cc's but not horse power. an engine with say 65 cc's can have different amounts of horse power depending on carberation, pistons, valves etc. etc. etc. but my 65 cc engine does have 1.89 hp if that helps.
Honda gets about 11HP out of their OPE engine.