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The closest possible replica of an original - can range from artwork to items of clothing

Often a Grade A replica can be mislead to believe its an original item

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Q: What are Grade A replicas?
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What is the high quality replica?

A high replica is an exact imitation of the genuine article, we call it "High Quality Replica", much realer than the general counterfeit, and people cannot tell if it is a fake or not if without careful check. Therefore a lot of people adopt replicas instead of using genuine ones for the price of high quality replicas is much lower. A high quality replica is not called high quality if it is poorly executed. So generally a high quality replica is fairly cost effective. High quality replica has 5 grades which distinguished by different quality: 1. Grade B/ABGenerally called Grade B/AB. The only part that is similar to the original item is probably the logo. It is no surprise if the pattern of a Grade B/AB replica is never found among the original designer/manufacturer's collection, for what matters to a maker of cheap replicas is the brand, the LOGO, solely. A Grade B/AB replica handbag is mostly found on street markets, and you can tell it is a counterfeit just by a casual glance and its price is usually very low. Materials used for a Grade B/AB replica handbag include: fabrics of lowest quality, accessories of lowest quality, hardware and handcraft of lowest quality as well. (Note: fabrics are with patterns, the accessories are the white parts and those of Grade A replicas are with leather) 2. Grade AIt can be said that Grade A replicas are of medium quality, which are more elegant in texture and softer to the touch than Grade B/AB replicas. The leather used and the sewing techniques are just so-so, and the package is slightly more attractive than Grade B/AB replicas. The overall quality is all right, though won't be worn out after some time's usage, the leather won't turn into the color of beeswax with time goes by like a genuine handbag does. Materials used for a Grade A replica handbag include: common fabrics, accessories using split leather, hardware of so-so quality and fair handcraft (Note: fabrics are with patterns, the accessories are the white parts. Leathers used are top layer leather and split leather, and the split leather is not tough.) 3. Grade A+Grade A+ replicas are also called Grade AA replicas, of better-than-average quality. The texture is fairly nice, so are the handcrafts and details. The entire handbag feels up-market. Materials used for a Grade A+ replica handbag include: solid fabrics, accessories using top layer leather whose color won't change with time, hardware of common quality. (Note: fabrics are with patterns, the accessories are the white parts. Leathers used are top layer leather and split leather.) 4. Grade UltrAReplica handbags belong to this grade are made of imported cow leather whose color will turn into the color of beeswax after used for some time or wet. They are sophisticatedly made: patterns and sizes need to be checked carefully, look almost like the original ones. Replica handbags of this grade are quite popular among the public because of their reasonable prices and good quality. Materials used include: top quality solid fabrics, accessories using imported leather and YKK hardware. (Note: fabrics are with patterns, the accessories are the white parts. Leathers used are top layer leather and split leather.) 5. 1:1Replica handbags belong to this grade are made of imported cow leather whose color will turn into the color of beeswax after used for some time or when wet. They are sophisticatedly made: patterns and sizes need to be checked carefully, look as if they are original. Every handbag of this grade is made in strict accordance with the genuine handbag. The major difference from a Grade UltrA replica handbag is in the handcrafts, which is sophisticated still. Every detail has been paid special attention to and the execution is even nicer than the original handbag (because most of the original ones are handmade, and replicas are done by machines, so there is no wonder). Due to the complicated craftwork required, replicas of this grade are not mass-produced, and thus their price is comparatively high. But I suggest you buy these replicas rather than the original, even an expert in handbags can tell them apart. But 1:1 Items are very scarcity, people only can find it in some secret shop or online retailers. The highest level of replica handbags enjoys the advantages of reasonable price, elegant in texture, exquisite workmanship and high cost performance, and thus is the best choice for those who can't afford the genuine article but long for genuine quality.

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