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Q: In printmaking what is a set of multiples is called?
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What is the set of multiples for 7?

the set of multiples for 7 is infinite

Which number can divided by 3 without leaving a remainder?

The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three. The infinite set of numbers which are multiples of three.

What is closed under subtraction?

The set of all integers; the set of all rational numbers; the set of all real numbers; the set of all complex numbers. Also their multiples - for example the set of all multiples of 2; the set of all multiples of 2.5; the set of all multiples of sqrt(17); the set of all multiples of 3 + 4i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.

Which data set contains common multiples of 9 and 18?

The set of multiples of 18.

Which set consists of numbers that are multiples of both 3 and 4?

The set of multiples of 12.

What are the multiples 14 and 8?

The infinite set of multiples of 56.

How did printmaking start?

Printmaking started in China.

What is multiples of 5 and10 called?

Multiples of 5 and 10 are called common multiples.

How do you find the LCM of 40?

By comparing its multiples to another set of multiples.

Why do artists prefer to use lithography?

they dont. there are cetain benefits to lithographic prints, mainly economic, they can create multiples and sell them. obviously things like paintings and sculptures can fetch much higher prices but printmaking is also an art in itself. lithography and printmaking techniques allow for more accessible art.

What is the common multiples of 6?

Multiples of 6 include 6, 12 and 18. For them to be common, they need to be compared to another set of multiples.

What is the common multiples of 15?

Multiples of 15 include 15, 30 and 45. For them to be common, they need to be compared to another set of multiples.