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The A-1 (Skyraider) was used in the Vietnam War, how ever, it is not the Warthog.

The A-10 Thunderbolt is commonly known as the warthog but it first saw combat in the first Gulf War in 1991. (It was first deployed in 1976)

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Q: Was the A-1 warthog used in the Vietnam war?
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A11 did it exist?

A1 (Skyraider) was a US Navy & US Air Force propeller driven attack plane used in the Vietnam War; it's call sign was sometimes "Sandy". The A1 was originally designed as a dive bomber at the end of WWII (it never saw action in WWII, arriving at the end of the war).

What are the guns they use in the military?

The US Military is currently using the M-16 A2. It is a newer variation of the M-16 A1, which was introduced during the Vietnam War.

What were the nicknames of the Douglas jets used in Vietnam?

The Douglas A-1 Skyraider (see film: Rescue Dawn) was a propeller driven dive bomber/torpedo bomber designed during WWII, but only saw combat in Korea and Vietnam Wars. Only the USN/USMC (?) used the A1 in Korea; the USAF/USN/USMC (?) used the Skyraider in Vietnam. About 266 A1s were lost in the Vietnam War. The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk (flown by Senator McCain) was strictly a USN/USMC jet. Nicknamed the "scooter" because it was small, easy to fly, and cheap to build and buy. Approximately 362 "scooters" were lost in the Vietnam War.

What did the US provide Vietnam with?

To name a few important items: 1. M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks for their armored forces. 2. A1 Skyraiders for their air force. 3. M16 assault rifles for their infantrymen. Note: Number 3 is important because since 1955 the South Viet infantryman had been armed with US WWII rifles & machine guns. (# 2) Although the A1 Skyraider was a "WWII designed" airplane (propeller driven) it didn't fight in WWII; its first war was in Korea...and the A1 (nicknamed the SPAD and Sandy) was probably the best ground attack plane in the war because it carried more bombs and bullets and stuck around the battlefield longer than any other US warplane. The A1 had to be replaced because they were being used up and no more were being built. Todays famous A-10 Warthog (jet) is the equivalent of the A1 performance, mission, durability, reliability, firepower, and protection.

US supplyed with what in the Vietnam war?

US supplied the RVN with M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks, A1 Skyraider attack planes and F5 Freedom Fighter jets.

Guns used in the vietamin war?

AK47 M-16 AR15 1911-a1 BAR

What guns did were used in Vietnam?

M-16 ak 47 bar 1911-a1 ar-15 38 L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR)

What is the importance of the Vietnam war?

For the typical citizen at large: 1. An all volunteer military (no more fear of being inducted into the service). 2. Voting age lowered to age 18 (used to be 21). For the military population: 1. The F22 Raptor still has guns on it thanks to the Vietnam War. 2. All armies now use the assault rifle (pioneered in the Vietnam War). 3. The M1 Abrams MBT (Main Battle Tank) was pioneered on the combat experience obtained from the M48 Patton's combat experience in Vietnam, among other conflicts. 4. Today's Kevlar helmet is based upon lessons learned in Vietnam combat. 5. Today's Blackhawk helicopter is based upon lessons learned from the UH-1 Hueys (Iroquois) combat experience in Vietnam. Today's AH-64 Apache helicopter gunship is a direct descendant of the Vietnam AH-1 Cobra attack chopper. 6. The A-10 Warthog took some of it's design lessons from the A1 Skyraider's (code named Sandy and Spad) experience in the Vietnam War. 7. Today's USN riverine forces took their ideas directly from the USNs "Brown Water Navys" riverine forces in Vietnam. Just a few examples.

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Was the M1 grenade used in world war 1 and 2?

The Mark (MK) I hand grenade was used in WW1 The MK II A1 and MK III A2 were used in WW2

What is mylan a1 used for?

Mylan A1 is 1 mg Alprazolam (generic for Xanax). It is a sedative medicine used for treatment of anxiety.

What were the US air bases in Vietnam during Vietnam War?

Theorizing; there was no specialty AFB for strictly F4 training during the war. The F4 Phantom II came from the USN and during & after Rolling Thunder (in '68) the USAF began transitioning from their F100s, F101s, F102, F104s, and F105s to the F4. The USN did the same transitioning from their F8 Crusaders, A1 Skyraiders (propeller driven) and A4 Skyhawks to F4s. The F4 became the near sole workhorse of the Vietnam War; and with all that transitioning going on it seems probable that OJT (On the Job Training) was the method used during those times. And OJT can occur on any USN or USAF base.