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We don't know, but there's a pretty good chance that they were either Polish or German.

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Q: Who was the first person to die in World War 2?
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Who was the second person to die in World War 2?

the second person to die in world war 2 was your mum

Who was the first man to die in World War 1?

The first English person to die was Private J Parry in August 1914

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Luther C Ladd was the first person to die in the Civil War

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my sents of humor

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Crispus Attucks was the first person killed during the American Revolutionary War. He was killed during the Boston Massacre.

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Franz Marc was killed in the first World War.

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George Washington was the first US President to die and there were not a lot of president in the world before him, Most of the countries had kings or emperors or war lords instead of presidents.

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Well there were a couple but Private J Parry was the very first.

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Why did crispus attucks fight in the revolutionary war?

hey just wanted to i guess the easy way to say it =)