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Lieutenant Zebulon Pike was sent by Jefferson to explore the Upper Mississippi River valley and present-day Colorado.

-this was a question on my Social Studies Homework and I found it in my book.

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Q: Who was the army lieutenant sent by Jefferson to explore parts of the wilderness in addition to Lewis and clark and where did he explore?
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Why did hernan Cortes explore cuba?

He explored Cuba to find gold and glory.

Why did European nations explore the new world?

they explored the new world because the hopelessness of their daily lives caused them to think that it would be better to risk death and cross the Atlantic Ocean than to stay there, where they could not improve

When and what was D-Day?

June 6, 1944 (6/6/44) - Allied forces made amphibious assaults on the beaches of France while Paratroopers made dropped behind enemy lines in an effort to cut off German troops from their support. attached is a site that goes into depth for you to explore.

How did improved ship designs and new tools make it safer to explore by sea?

Ships and navigation improved in the 1400 and 1500's. Ships got rudders and moveable sails. With these they were able to move better and catch winds rather than just sitting waiting for wind. Tools for navigation improved as well. The astrolabe was invented to allow the use of longitude and latitude settings. Ships were also bigger.

How hard was it to seek justice during the holocaust?

Really hard cause all the Jews were in the ovens _________________________________________________________________ Seeking justice then would have been like someone trying to get their virginity back. We can all seek something, but finding it is another matter entirely. Even then, we may not realise that what we have been seeking is not what were looking for in the first place. What would justice have been in 1940's Germany? Would it have been fair? Would the same rules have applied to all people? I think it might be fruitful for you to explore the real meaning of justice, and therein may the answer to your question be found.

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Who was sent by Jefferson to explore the wilderness of the southwestern Louisiana territory?

Lewis and Clark

Who was sent by Jefferson to explore the wilderness of the southwestern LA Territory?

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Why did president thomas jefferson ask captain meriwether lewis and lieutenant william clark to explore the new territory?

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President Thomas Jefferson asked captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark to explore the new territory acquired with the?

Lousiana purchase

President Thomas Jefferson asked Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark to explore the new territory acquired with the of 1803?

The Louisiana Purchase*(:

President Thomas Jefferson asked Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark to explore the new territory acquired with the of 1803.?

The Louisiana Purchase*(:

Who sent Lewis and clark west to explore?

President Thomas Jefferson sent them to explore the "Louisiana Purchase" as they called it.

Why were Lewis and Clark and Pike and others sent to explore the wilderness?

Lewis and Clark were sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Purchase territory and find a water route to the Pacific Ocean. Zebulon Pike was sent to explore the southwestern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase and to gather information about the region. These explorations were conducted to expand US territory, gather valuable information about the land and resources, and establish relationships with Native American tribes.

Who had Lewis and Clark explore the new land?

President Jefferson had sent them out to explore the land.

What did Daniel Boone explore or live?

he explored Kentucky and the wilderness. he found many routs.

Who was influenced by Meriwether Lewis to explore?

Thomas Jefferson

Who send Lewis and Clark to explore the west?

Thomas Jefferson