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Nevaeh Lane

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Q: Which technological advancement most strongly affected a leader's speech during World War 2?
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Which technological advancement most strongly affected a leaders speech during president Kennedy's time?

The correct answer is tv or television is correct apexx verified dont listen to the aynomous or however u spell that word

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It affected the colonial leaders because

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We have to strongly condemn his autocratic rule.The world leaders will strongly condemn any such attack.

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The regents affected the rise and the power of military leaders in Japan because the nobels grew stronger.

What technological improvement enabled naval leaders to direct naval operations thousands of miles away?

Wireless communication

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The regents affected the rise and the power of military leaders in Japan because the nobels grew stronger.

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Government leaders can get affected by worldwide meetings. Maybe airplane crashes might have to do something with it. Flying devices can cause noise pollution and air pollution.

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The Scribe keeps the troop records. He records the activities of the patrol leaders' council and keeps a record of dues, advancement, and Scout attendance at troop meetings. He attends the patrol leaders' council but generally is not a voting member.

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What technological improvement enabled naval leaders to direct operations thousands of miles away and allowed operational commanders to better direct fleet operations and tactical maneuvers?

Wireless communication

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Answer this question… The chaos it created allowed leaders who strongly disagreed with Mao Zedong to rise to power.