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Q: Which country has the US never been at war with?
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With what major power has the US never been at war?

We have never been officially at war with China or the soviet Union.

What country never fought in a war against the US?


What led the US into the war?

The United States of America has never been at war with France.

What led the US into war with France?

The United States of America has never been at war with France.

Why weapons of mass Destruction were used against the US?

Weapons of mass destruction have never been used against the US. In fact, the US is the only country that has ever used an atomic bomb against another country and that was Japan during the second World War.

When did America become known as The US?

America has never been known as the US. The US is a country on the continent of America

Did the US forced all countries to disarm after world war 1?

No. There has never been a country in the modern world with the authority to give such an order to the rest of the world. Only Germany had its military limited because it was believed to be the agressor, the country which began the war, and that was decided by every country involved.

What country was spared the horrors of world 1 in its homeland?

Assuming the question means World War 1, the country spared would have been the United States as there was never a WW1 battle taken on US soil.

Was there universal support for the war in the US?

There has never been universal support for any war in the US. There are always some people who are opposed to the war. Some wars have been less popular than others, of course.

What was the last war the US had a foreign military in the US?

There has never been a war in which foreign military of opposition has ever been inside the US. Allied military has been present during times of war for caravan movement AKA Canadian and Australian troops accompanying US convoys to Europe.

Us attacked to obtain oil what i the name of this country?

The US never attacked any country for the sole objective of gaining oil. People think this is one of the reasons for the Iraq War, but in reality, this was a war against terrorism.

Is gore anti war?

Its possible he may have been anti-war, but he still served his country, in the US Army in Vietnam.