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Probably you are thinking of the infamous Caproni Bombar- there were several types used in World war I by the Italian air arm. Named after designer Major Gianni Caproni as stated there were several variations, most using modified Packard V-l2(Liberty) engines originally developed for trucks and putting out 400 Hp in aircraft trim. Having a modest tactical output on the war, it was a forerunner of the even more exotic Caproni Ca60 Transaero which had NINE wings and Eight Engines. while we are at it 8 Rudders, l8 flaps, two separate engine-control facilities and well, it did not work as lplanned buyt managed one parlty successful test flight in l92l ( up about l00 feet) a second test flight ended in a crash landing and collapse, end of program.

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Q: What ww1 bomber has 3 wings and 4 engines?
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