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Belgium wasn't given two countries. They were given two former cantons (areas) that were part of Germany. Eupen and Malmedy became part of Belguim in 1924.

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Q: What two countries were given to the Belgians after World War 1?
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Two countries which were originally part of German East Africa but were given to the Belgians after World War 1 are?

Rwanda and Burundi were originally part of German East Africa but were allocated to Belgium as mandated territories by the League of Nations after World War I. They were known as Ruanda-Urundi during this period.

Did the us beat Belgium in World War 1?

No they didn't, the belgians were on their side

Why was the world war given the name world war?

Because in both world wars, the world was literally at war, meaning that many major countries of the world are at war.

Why was it called World War 1 if not all countries were involved?

World War I was also called 'The Great War'. It was given that name because it involved all of the world's great powers or most influential and important countries.

What was the name given to countries that sided with Germany in War World 2?

Axis Forces

What two countries are given credit for starting World War 1?

Germany and Austria-Hungary are given credit for starting World War I, when in reality Austria-Hungary and Serbia started it.

What was the first war car?

Armoured cars, based on contemporary passenger vehicle chassis, were first used by the Belgians in the First World War.

How did countries pay for World War 2?

I dont know about other countries but the U.S. payed through mostly war bonds which were temerary loans given to the government by citizens which were to be repaid after the war

Which countries were given part of Germany after World War 2?

The US,Great Britain,Soviet Union and France.

When did the Belgians tell the Hutus to start war with the Tutsi?


Is the date November 11 significant?

Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.Yes. It is the anniversary of the ending of World War I. So in many countries it is a special day where people remember those who died during World War I, and also other wars. In some of those countries it is given a name, like Armistice Day or Veterans Day. There are events on or close to that day in some countries.

What countries were given to Great Britain as Mandates after World War 1?

The two I know are modern day Iraq and Palestine