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The V2 rocket, considered the forerunner of all space capable rockets, only had a payload capacity of 2,200 pounds. The Saturn 5 rocket that sent men to the moon had a payload capacity of 260,000 lbs.

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Q: What changes in payload have rockets had from World War II to the space age?
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What changes in payload have rockets had from world war 2 to the space age?

Soon after World War 2 rockets were used to carry nuclear warheads. In the space program they are used to carry many kinds of objects into space. But, they are still used to carry nuclear warheads too.

How do single stage rockets get payload off Earth?

The single-stage rocket can get the payload off earth, but not into space, because there is not enough fuel, and the weight eventually becomes too great. So at some point, the rocket will fall back down to earth. For this reason, most single-stage rockets are missiles.

How is the space shuttle like the Saturn V rockets?

It's not, very much, except in the sense that both of them have a booster stage that doesn't go into orbit and a payload section that does.

Was Apollo 11 the first rocket to launch space?

No, Apollo 11 was not the first rocket to launch into space. The first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. Apollo 11 was the mission that landed the first humans on the moon in 1969.

What of these characteristics of a missile differs from a rocket?

Missiles are guided, self-propelled weapons designed to deliver a payload to a specific target, while rockets are generally unguided vehicles used for propulsion or atmospheric research. Missiles usually carry warheads, while rockets are often used for space exploration or scientific research without the intention of delivering a payload.

How does single stage rockets get payload back to earth?

Single-stage rockets can't make it into space, so many of them come back down to earth when they reach a certain height. This is why most single stage rockets carry missiles, so when they fall down again, they cause massive damage to their target.

Will rockets work in space?

Yes. The space shuttle uses rockets in space to manuever.

Do rockets take animals to space?

yes rockets take animals to space

How does rockets aid in space exploration?

Rockets lift the astronauts into space to do their exploration.

Do rockets carry people to space?

Yes, rockets are vehicles that can carry humans into space. Crewed spacecraft such as the SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Russian Soyuz spacecraft are launched into space atop rockets like the Falcon 9 and Soyuz rockets. Once in space, these spacecraft can dock with the International Space Station or travel to other destinations in space.

What does payload mean?

A payload bay is where cargo is stored, like on a space mission to the ISS.

What is the maximum payload the space shuttle can carry?

The space shuttle's payload capacity varied depending on its configuration, but it could typically carry up to around 50,000 pounds (about 22,700 kilograms) into orbit.