

What 2 countries started WW1?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What 2 countries started WW1?
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What were the reason countries in Europe started ww1?

because i say so

Why was World War 2 started and ended?


Why were the Germans in an Economic Crisis during World War 2?

Because all of the other countries involved in WW1 agreed to make Germans pay for all of the costs of WW1. That's part of the reason why WW2 started.

Did farmers need to fight in World War 2?

My Gran, said her dad, who was a farmer, was in the home guard in WW1 and WW2. And he was 24 years old when WW1 started, and 49 when WW2 started.

When did WW1 start and end?

WW1 started in 1914 and for America it started in 1917 and ended in 1918

What countries joined in World War 1 and 2?

There were over 100 countries involved in WW1 There were 57countries involved in WW2

Was Hitler really the cause of world war 2?

Answer Yes. Hitler's agreesive actions was what started WW2. There were a lot of factors that lead to unrest, which brought Hitler to power but he lead the country to attack the other countries in Europe. For comparison, WW1 was started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria but was fueled by treaties between neighboring countries and local disputes between them. Answer Yes. Hitler's agreesive actions was what started WW2. There were a lot of factors that lead to unrest, which brought Hitler to power but he lead the country to attack the other countries in Europe. For comparison, WW1 was started by the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria but was fueled by treaties between neighboring countries and local disputes between them.

Was there colonial expansion of western European countries before world war 1?

NO, they actually wanted colonial expatiation before WW1 even started!

Which countries were all involved in World War 1 and 2?

There were over 100 in WW1 and 57 in WW2

Reason for World War 2?

The reason for ww2 is that Adolf Hitler thought that the Jews made Germany lose ww1 so he hated them and in 1939 ww2 started because he was taking over countries and killing Innocent Jews.

Was Germany in the war?

Both WW1 and WW2 yes. WW1 was the reason WW2 started.

When did Us join ww1?

the united states joined in 1917, ww1 started in 1914.!!