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For the most part the Confederacy was fighting a defensive war. To gain the independence that it sought, the main idea was to repel Union invasions by superior defensive entrenchments. Offensive always needs a larger number to succeed then does defense. The South had limitations on manpower to fight the war. With few exceptions, they fought a defensive war. However, they used the tactics of counter attacks in an offensive manner.

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12y ago

Yes, they were. They only made a few attempts to invade the North. Those attempts were the Union victories of Antietam and Gettysburg.

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Q: Was the Confederacy fighting a defensive war during the US Civil War?
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The Confederacy had the advantage of fighting a defensive war on their home territory, which allowed them to hold off Union advances in various regions such as the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River. They also had interior lines of communication, making it easier to move troops and supplies between different parts of the country. Additionally, the Confederacy had a larger land area to defend, which made it more challenging for the Union to conquer and occupy all of their territory.