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Radar technology had been around before World War 2 if I'm correct. It probably wasn't heavily used as it is today or in ww2. WW2 saw a great improvement on radar; radar saved England during WW2 because they could detect German planes before they got even close to land.

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Q: Was radar technology from World War 2?
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What technology was new to World War 2?

Radar, jet engines and atomic bombs.

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What technology for planes was invented in World War 2?

* Compact Radar Systems * Jet Turbine Engines

How did radar technology help soldiers fighting in World War 2?

How? Beacause it was telling the soldiers where the piolits were

What aircraft technology was developed during world war 2?

Airborne radar, jet aircraft and rocket aircraft.

What new technology used in world war 2?

Radar......they say Germany had it but failed to use it and see its importance.

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The Microwave oven invented by Raytheon in 1945 while doing radar testing.

In what war was radar first used?

World War 2 saw the first wartime use of radar.

What technology sent out radio waves to detect planes approaching during World War 2?

Radar (Radio Detection and Ranging) was the technology developed for detection of enemy air power.

What are the contributions of science and technology to world war 2?

Science and technology played a significant role in World War II through advancements such as radar technology, improved communications systems, the development of the atomic bomb, and innovations in medicine and logistics. These contributions had a profound impact on the outcome of the war and influenced military strategies and tactics.